Shimon Edelman's Computational Psychology and Desert Adventure Project

Cornell on Fire       Climate Pulse       Ecodefense

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Are You An Anarchist? The Ⓐnswer May Surprise You!

Want to learn more? Check out this annotated bibliography of anarchism.

The Odyssey  ended  is on hold in Ithaca, New York: I am at the Department of Psychology at Cornell University.


The views expressed on this site are my own and do not in any way reflect or represent those of my employer, Cornell University. Links do not imply endorsement.


Cornell University is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogohó:nǫˀ (the Cayuga Nation). The Gayogohó:nǫˀ are members of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, an alliance of six sovereign Nations with a historic and contemporary presence on this land. The Confederacy precedes the establishment of Cornell University, New York State, and the United States of America. I acknowledge the painful history of Gayogohó:nǫˀ dispossession and honor the ongoing connection of Gayogohó:nǫˀ people, past and present, to these lands and waters. I also acknowledge the dispossession of other Native peoples by the Morrill Act of 1862 — one of the sources of Cornell's endowment.



"But if abstract science is a luxury and practice of medicine mere chicane; if law spells injustice, and mechanical invention is but the means of robbery; if the school, at variance with the wisdom of the `practical man,' is sure to be overcome; and art without the revolutionary idea can only degenerate, what remains for me to do?"

Well, I will tell you.

A vast and most enthralling task; a work in which your actions will be in complete harmony with your conscience, an undertaking capable of rousing the noblest and most vigorous natures.

What work?

I will now tell you.

An Appeal to the Young by Peter Kropotkin (1880)
  • Fall 2024:
    • Confronting Climate Change (Psych 4430): M 11:15am - 1:45pm, 441 Statler Hall [syllabus].
  • Spring 2024:
  • Fall 2023:
    • Varieties of Freedom (Topics in Cognitive Science, COGST 4310, crosslisted as: PSYCH 4320, BIONB 4330): M 11:15am - 1:45pm, 205 Uris Hall [syllabus].
  • Older courses.
A note to instructors. Teaching cognitive psychology? Looking for a readable, comprehensive, modern text that would help the reader achieve genuine — that is, computational — understanding of cognition? Consider adopting Computing the Mind (see below) as your text.

What condition my condition is in


The Consciousness Revolutions (Springer Nature, April 2023). See the table of contents and the back cover text for a little more info. Life, Death, and Other Inconvenient Truths (MIT Press / Penguin Random House, October 2020). The Book of Beginnings (2014): a psychological-philosophical science fiction (psy-phi sci-fi) novella. Get it from — AmazoniTunesBarnes&Noble. Visit its Facebook Page. The Happiness of Pursuit (Basic Books, February 2012). A Kirkus starred selection and Must-Read in new nonfiction. Available also in Italian.
Computing the Mind (Oxford University Press, 2008): see table of contents; read reviews; visit Facebook Page; see corrigenda. Used for teaching at Cornell since 2006 (now also at NYU, Buffalo, BU, and Wells). Being in Time: Dynamical Models of Phenomenal Experience (John Benjamins, July 2012; Advances in Consciousness Research, vol. 88): see table of contents. Representation and Recognition in Vision (MIT Press, 1999): see table of contents and introduction; read online (for CogNet subscribers; if you connect from, you are). Language Universals (Oxford University Press, 2009).
[See also my Amazon author page]

Other online stuff


This space is intermittently under construction. Meanwhile, here's some pseudorandom selection of content:


DattaDayadhvamDamyata.      Shantih  shantih  shantih

Copyright © 1999-2024 Shimon Edelman (שמעון אדלמן, Шимон Александр (Саша) Эдельман, 에델만시몬). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document (namely, the information on this site, including specifically the lecture material and the teaching aids therein) under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

Last modified: Fri Aug 30 2024 at 15:06:29 EDT