Psych/Cogst/Info 3140/6140

Shimon Edelman, <>

Week 2: Universal tools, I

 Lecture 2.1: THE methodology

moral (from Lecture 1.2): divided we fall

Four case studies — four approaches to understanding the brain, and their limitations:

  1. An ambitious broad-scope "computational" theory (ACT-R): based on a single top-down assumption about the solution/mechanism — not about any of the problems that arise.
  2. A single-cell electrophysiology study (microstimulation): neat, but leaves most questions unresolved.
  3. An imaging study (fMRI): trying to pinpoint where in the brain particular operations happen is not only not informative; localization of function is a fool's hope, even if we're confident about what the function is.
  4. Throwing machine learning at problems (Deep Learning etc.): even if the hack succeeds, it doesn't reveal much about how the brain works, or how to scale apps up.

What to do?

what to do? open your eyes!

[from Lecture 1.1] A real explanation of some aspect of the mind — or of any other information-processing / computational system — would have to be:

[from Lecture 1.2] A complete explanation of some aspect of the mind would have to be:

Across these levels, different types of questions about the computation at hand are identified, discussed, and addressed. (Consider the questions from Lecture 1.2, raised / answered by the ACT theory; by the single-neuron current-injection study; by the whole-brain imaging study; by the machine learning gameplaying study.)

the Marr & Poggio program: a multi-level explanatory methodology

On the agenda today:

the Mayr & Tinbergen & Marr & Poggio program for understanding cognitive/computational systems (including brains).

A typical specific question of potential interest about behavior (more about behavior in general later this week):

Why did the chicken cross the road?

why did the chicken cross the road?

Source of explanations:
(1) Baldrick, (2) Jack Nicholson, (3) Karl Marx, (4) Mr Spock, (5) Sigmund Freud, (6)-(8) academic papers on avian brain neuroscience.

why did the chicken cross the road?

Classification of explanations:
(1) cultural reference joke; (2) cultural reference joke; (3) political satire; (4) cultural reference joke; (5) psychoanalysis (a joke in itself); (6) developmental neuropsychology; (7) neurophysiology; (8) psychopharmacology.

a brief rant, to prevent an unduly exclusive focus on brains

What the public often considers to be a satisfactory explanation of behavior:


For sure, but WHY? And HOW?
(Repeat until all is fully understood.)

a key methodological observation: there are multiple levels of analysis/understanding

Just like chicken-crossing, any instance of applied computation — which is what cognition is —  can  MUST be examined on a number of LEVELS.

interrelationships among Marr’s three levels of analysis (from Krakauer et al., 2017)

  1. A bird attempts to fly (goal) by flapping its wings (algorithmic realization) whose aerodynamics depend on the features of its feathers (physical implementation). Feathers ‘‘have something to do’’ with flight and flapping, but what degree of understanding do we achieve if we dissect the properties of the feathers alone? Bats fly but don’t have feathers, and birds can fly without flapping.
  2. The relationship [in scientific analysis] between the three levels [shown in (A)] is not arbitrary. The first step comes first, before the second step: the algorithmic level of understanding is essential to interpret its mechanistic implementation. The second step: implementation level work feeds back to inform the algorithmic level.
  3. Science suffers from an epistemological bias toward manipulation-based [experimental] view of understanding, induced by technology (black filled arrow).

the levels of analysis/understanding framework

Mayr & Tinbergen & Marr & Poggio —

exemplary full understanding: sound localization in the barn owl

The barn owl, Tyto alba

Superb Owl Sunday, 2021

the hunting owl

The barn owl finds and catches mice in total darkness, presumably by homing in on the sound of their movement.

the barn owl: behavior in the wild

Level 0: behavior in the wild; evolution.

Tracking owls with GPS (Massa et al., 2015). Left: activity by time of day night. Right: preferred terrain type.

barn owl — posing the computational challenge

Level 1 (the computational problem):
what is it that needs to be done for the hunting behavior to succeed?

— find target coordinates (azimuth, elevation)

Can you think of any alternative formulations of the problem?

barn owl — a classical experimental setup for behavioral study of sound localization

To address Levels 2 (representation and algorithm) and 3 (mechanism), controlled experimentation is required.

The diagram on the right illustrates the behavioral testing setup.

barn owl — a classical experimental setup for behavioral study of sound localization

To address Levels 2 (representation and algorithm) and 3 (mechanism), controlled experimentation is required.

Conducting the experiment in darkness approximates the natural hunting conditions in the wild.

barn owl — localization performance

Here's how they found that the owl uses binaural hearing.

barn owl — from problem to algorithm and implementation

How could binaural audio information be used to localize sound source?

Note that this question straddles computation and algorithm levels.

Remember that a particular system such as the barn owl may or may not use a particular algorithm.

barn owl — from problem to algorithm and implementation

How could binaural audio information be used to localize sound source?

  1. by noting level difference between the two ears (interaural level difference, ILD);
  2. by noting timing difference between the two ears (interaural timing difference, ITD).

The barn owl uses both.


barn owl — from problem to algorithm and implementation

(A) Barn owls can accurately localize prey based on interaural disparities even in total darkness. If, for instance, the sound origin is slightly to the left from the vertical and below the horizontal midline, it will arrive at the left ear slightly earlier (interaural time difference, ITD) and with a somewhat larger amplitude (interaural level difference, ILD).

(B) Barn owls belong to the group of asymmetrical owls. The asymmetry of their skull does not significantly affect ITDs, which provide accurate information for the azimuthal position.

(C) However, the asymmetry does affect ILDs. As a consequence, iso-ILD-lines [contours of equal ILD] are strongly tilted and, therefore, provide information about the vertical position of a sound source.

[from Grothe, B. (2018). How the Barn Owl Computes Auditory Space, Trends in Neurosciences 41(3):115]

barn owl — algorithm, implementation (focusing on time difference)

A possible way of physically computing time difference (Lloyd Jeffress, 1948) using:

  1. a coincidence detector
  2. and
  3. a calibrated time delay line
In air, a distance of 1 cm results in a 30 µs time delay. [This is an example of analog computation.]

barn owl — implementation

An elaboration of the coincidence + calibrated delay model by Masakazu Konishi

The key idea:
convert time delay information into a place code.

Does the barn owl use this method? Yes!

barn owl — neural circuitry; Jeffress/Konishi model supported

anatomy: axons carrying information from the two ears enter the nucleus laminaris from opposite sides, and run parallel to each other. physiology: neurons at the top of nucleus laminaris show response time LEAD to the ipsilateral ear, changing to LAG as the recording electrode descends into NL.

the Jeffress model: 50 years later

(A) The original Jeffress (1948) delay line + coincidence model.

(B) Delay line configuration of a bushy cell axon (red) from the contralateral AVCN (Anterior Ventral Cochlear Nucleus) projecting to the MSO (Medial Superior Olive; black).

(C) Jeffress model, current view. Monaural channels feed into a binaural processor: a bank of cross-correlators that tap the signal at a different ITD. Cells for which the delay exactly offsets the ITD are maximally active.

An update on the algorithmic level: B. J. Fischer and J. L. Peña (2011). Owl's behavior and neural representation predicted by Bayesian inference. Nature Neuroscience 14:1061-1067. Probabilistic/Bayesian computation will be discussed in lecture 3.1.

evolutionary origins of sound localization in BIRDS and in MAMMALS (from Grothe, 2003)

The evolution of tympanic ears (tympanum and middle ear), a prerequisite for localizing airborne sound, occurred independently and almost simultaneously in several clades of tetrapods. During the Triassic period, tympanic ears evolved in frogs (Anura), several lines of ‘reptiles’, including those leading to archosaurs and later from archosaurs to birds, and in early mammals.

There is no common ancestor of birds and mammals that had the anatomical substrate for localizing airborne sounds by means of interaural comparison. The neural system for interaural time difference processing evolved independently during parallel evolution in birds and mammals. Numbers show millions of years ago.

using ITD for sound localization (from Grothe, 2003)

The interaural time difference (ITD) is the main cue for localizing low-frequency sounds. If a sound source is straight ahead, the ITD is zero. If a sound source comes from one side, the sound will reach the ear on that side first, creating an ITD. Depending on the head size (the distance between the ears), ITDs are not greater than 100 μs for the gerbil, but can be up to several hundred microseconds for larger animals.

Low-frequency hearing mammals, such as the Mongolian gerbil, evolved ITD detection to avoid predators such as the eagle owl.

[EXTRA] different strategies for encoding ITDs (from Grothe, 2003)

[EXTRA] sound localization CIRCUITS in birds and in mammals (from Grothe, 2003)

(a) The mammalian ITD encoder is the medial superior olive (MSO), an auditory brainstem structure (inset).

(b) The avian counterpart of the MSO is the nucleus laminaris (NL, here shown for the chick).

summary of the barn owl case study — integrated understanding

The multiple levels of analysis, applied to sound localization by the owl:

  1. The evolutionary and behavioral context: In the ecological niche they reside in, owls employ passive sound localization to pinpoint prey, by using interaural time (and intensity) differences.
  2. The computational problem: Given timing (and intensity) differences measured at two locations, pinpoint the source of the sound.
  3. Representation and algorithm: Use coincidence detection and delay lines to transform time difference into a place code in the brain.
  4. The mechanism: Arrange the neurons and wire them up via delay lines to reflect the algorithmic solution.

The bottom line: a complete understanding of the system in question.

levels of understanding and multiple realizability of computation

armed with the proper methodology, we can move on

What next?