Creativity is commonly perceived by the public as the "last bastion" that still stands in the face of the explanatory onslaught of psychology and neuroscience — a human capacity that is yet to be given a satisfactory mechanistic account, or, according to the more extreme stance, a capacity that cannot in principle be explained in mechanistic terms (one other faculty of the mind that stands out in the same manner is consciousness). In this seminar, we shall discuss imagination and creativity, drawing on classical and recent thinking in psychological and literary theory, drawing on results from computational cognitive science and neuroscience, and from theory of evolution and emergence.
Instructors: Shimon Edelman and Harry Segal
Time: M 2:00 — 4:25pm
Place: 204 Uris Hall
Schedule: for a week-by-week list of readings and presentation roster, follow this link.
Blackboard: the papers (a zipped archive of PDF files) and a discussion bulletin board are here.
Requirements for credit:
Whether or not you're presenting in a given week, come prepared with questions or comments regarding the readings.
IMPORTANT: please choose your two topics and co-presenters by the second meeting at the latest (Feb. 3). To sign up for one of the presentation slots, follow this link.
A typical presentation should include
Students with Disabilities: please give me your Student Disability Services (SDS) accommodation letter early in the semester so that we have adequate time to arrange your approved academic modifications. Meeting with us in our office hours will help ensure confidentiality. If you need an immediate accommodation for equal access, please speak with us after class or send an email message to us and/or to SDS at If the need arises for additional accommodations during the semester, please contact SDS.