Inconvenient Truths: A Realistic Look at Human Nature and the Human Condition Shimon Edelman Fall and Spring Four credits per semester This advanced seminar takes a level look at what it means to be human. Our discussions will focus on a series of frank, and therefore far from rosy, assessments of human nature and the human condition, taking up select topics that range from beauty, children, consciousness, death, happiness, and love to memory, old age, parenthood, politics, power, religion, suffering, truth, and war. (The specific topics for each semester will be announced a few weeks before classes begin.) One of the possible outcomes of our deliberations will be the emergence of a counterbalance for, and perhaps an antidote to, the popular "positive psychology" literature. The discussion materials and the readings for each topic will be based in part on a distillation of views gleaned from literature, philosophy, and the arts and in part on a synthesis of dozens of academic papers and books in psychology, neuroscience, and computational cognitive science, including some by the instructor.