Computational Psychology

Shimon Edelman, <>

Unit 19: brain dynamics

what the brain does: dynamics

the restless brain (Raichle, 2010)

The brain is NOT primarily about merely responding to stimuli —

"Whilst part of what we perceive comes through our senses from the object before us, another part (and it may be the larger part) always comes out of our own head." — William James (1890)

[Compare with Lecture 1.1, slide 22]

"In the resting state, brain blood flow accounts for 11% of the cardiac output and brain metabolism accounts for 20% of the energy consumption of the body, overshadowing the metabolism of other organs such as the heart, liver and skeletal muscle as shown on the left (above) in this classic image of whole body glucose consumption. The changes in regional blood flow associated with task performance are often no more than 5% of the resting blood flow of the brain from which they were derived (center) and, hence, only discernable in difference images averaged across subjects as shown above on the left right. These modest modulations in ongoing circulatory and metabolic activity rarely affect the overall rate of brain blood flow and metabolism during even the most arousing perceptual and vigorous motor activity."

the liquid state analogy (Buonomano and Maass, 2009)

Inputs interact with internal states. The response of a population of neurons in a network is determined not only by the characteristics of the external stimulus but also by the dynamic changes in the internal state of the network.

For instance, whether a neuron responds to a tone depends not only on the frequency of the tone but also on whether the neuron is receiving additional internally generated excitatory and inhibitory inputs and on the current strength of each of its synapses (which vary on a rapid timescale).

This general point can be intuitively understood by making an analogy between neural networks and a liquid. A pebble thrown into a pond will create a spatiotemporal pattern of ripples, and the pattern produced by any subsequent pebbles will be a complex nonlinear* function of the interaction of the stimulus (the pebble) with the internal state of the liquid (the pattern of ripples when the pebble makes contact). Ripples thus establish a shortlasting and dynamic memory of the recent stimulus history of the liquid. Similarly, the interaction between incoming stimuli and the internal state of a neural network will shape the population response in a complex fashion.

*Not true: for small-amplitude surface waves, the interaction (superposition) is linear. See for instance here.

a neural state-space trajectory

(a) A schematic of a neural trajectory.

The firing pattern of two neurons over five [six, actually] time bins constitutes the trajectory of this two-neuron network, with the number of spikes of each neuron during each time bin plotted on the axes of a two-dimensional plot. The spikes generated by two different hypothetical stimuli are represented in blue and red, and each produces a different neural trajectory (lower plot). Importantly, each point on the trajectory can potentially be used to determine not only which stimulus was presented, but also how long ago the stimulus was presented (color-coded circles). Thus, the neural trajectory can inherently encode spatial and temporal stimulus features. The coordinates represent the number of spikes of each neuron at each time bin (derived from the upper plot).

a neural trajectory in the locust olfactory system

(b) An example of the active trajectory of a population of neurons from the locust antennal lobe [recall Lecture 11.2].

When the number of neurons is large, dimensionality reduction must be performed before the trajectory can be visualized. Here, 87 projection neurons from the locust were recorded during multiple presentations of 2 odours (citral and geraniol). These data were used to calculate the firing rate of each neuron using 50 ms time bins. The 87 vectors were then reduced to 3 dimensions. The resulting three-dimensional plot reveals that each odour produces a different trajectory, and thus different spatiotemporal patterns of activity. The numbers along the trajectory indicate time points (seconds), and the point marked B indicates the resting state of the neuronal population.

short-term synaptic plasticity

(a) An example of short-term plasticity of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in excitatory synapses between [cortical] layer 5 pyramidal neurons. The traces represent the EPSPs from paired recordings; each presynaptic action potential is marked by a dot. Short-term plasticity can take the form of either short-term depression [contrast with LTD] (left) or short-term facilitation [contrast with LTP] (right).

The plots show that the strength of synapses can vary dramatically as a function of previous activity, and thus function as a short-lasting memory trace of the recent stimulus history.

hidden and active states in a network

(b) Excitatory (blue) and inhibitory (red) neurons and some of their connections.

Top left: the baseline state, represented as quiescent (in reality there is spontaneous activity).

Top right: a brief stimulus generates action potentials in a subpopulation of the neurons (light gray shades).

Bottom left: "hidden" state. After the stimulus, as a result of short-term synaptic plasticity (dashed lines) and changes in intrinsic and synaptic currents (different color shades), the internal state may continue to change for hundreds of ms. Thus, although it is quiescent, the network should be in a different functional state at the time of the next stimulus (at t = 100ms).

Bottom right: because the network is in a different state, it would generate a different response pattern to the next stimulus, even if the stimulus is identical to the first one (a different pattern of blue spheres).

discrimination of complex spatiotemporal patterns

(a) A spectrogram of the spoken word "one".

(b) A cochlear model [here, a 40-neuron one] can be used to generate a spatiotemporal pattern of spikes generated by the word "one" (lower left). This pattern can be reversed (lower right) to ensure that the network is discriminating the spatiotemporal patterns of action potentials, as opposed to only the spatial structure. One can perform a principal-component analysis on the [binned averages of the] spikes of the input patterns, and by plotting the first three dimensions create a visual representation of the input trajectory. The upper panels show that the trajectories are identical except that they flow in opposite temporal directions. Time is represented in color: note the reverse color gradient.

Note that this signal from the cochlear model is just the input to the cortical model, illustrated on the next slide.

discrimination performance: active states in a cortical microcircuit model

(c) The raster of the [80-neuron] recurrent network in response to forward (blue) and reverse (red) directions. The neural trajectories (lower plots) show that the spatiotemporal spike patterns are no longer the reverse of each other. The response shown represents a subsample of the 280 neurons of a model.

(d) A linear read-out can distinguish between the original speech input and its time reversal at most points in time. A single linear read-out that received synaptic inputs from all neurons in the circuit was trained to produce large output values for any active state that occurred when the word "one" was spoken, but low output values at any time during the time-reversed version of "one". The resulting output values of the read-out are shown for a new trial that included noise injections into the neurons. The ability of this simple linear read-out to distinguish original and time-reversed spike patterns demonstrates that not only does the circuit process the spatial (= neural-space) aspects of these input patterns, but every active state also transmits information about the temporal context of each spatial input pattern.


On the right — (e) A schematic of the [cortical microcircuitry model] recurrent network, with the components aligned with the relevant sections of parts (b)-(d). Several neurons provide input to excitatory neurons that are part of a recurrent network. The excitatory neurons in this network send a multi-dimensional signal to a single downstream read-out neuron.

On the left — pattern recognition in a bucket.

read-out from high-dimensional representations

(a) Read-out can be computed as a weighted sum \(w_1 x_1 + w_2 x_2 + \ldots w_d x_d\) of the inputs \(x\). Geometrically, the locus of points at which the weighted sum is exactly equal to a threshold is a hyperplane in the \(d\)-dimensional input space, illustrated here for \(d = 3\), together with two trajectories. Such perfect separation, however, cannot be expected in general.

(b) Mathematical results imply that linear separation becomes much easier when the dimension of the state space exceeds the "complexity" of the trajectories. Black: the probability that 2 trajectories that each linearly connect 100 randomly chosen points can be separated by a hyperplane. Green: the average of the minimal Euclidean distance between pairs of trajectories. In higher dimensions, not only is it more likely that any two such trajectories can be separated, but also they can be separated by a hyperplane with a larger "safety margin".

Projections of external inputs into higher dimensions are quite common in the brain. For example, ~1 million axons from each optic nerve send visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus, where it is combined with information from the pulvinar (another thalamic nucleus) and sent on to the primary visual cortex, in which there are ~500 million neurons.

population activity in the cat brain

Population activity from the cat visual cortex encodes both the current and previous stimuli.

(a) A sample stimulus, with the receptive fields (squares) of the recorded neurons superimposed.

(b) The spike output of neuron number 10 for 50 trials with the letter sequence A, B, C as the stimulus and 50 trials with the letter sequence D, B, C as the stimulus. The temporal spacing and duration of each letter is indicated through green shading. The lower plot is a post-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) showing the response of neuron 10 (shown in blue in part c on the next slide) over the 50 trials shown.

population activity in the cat brain

(c) The spike response of 64 neurons during trial number 38 for the letter sequence A, B, C (left), and the read-out mechanism that was used to decode information from these 64 spike trains (upper right). Each spike train was low-pass filtered with an exponential and sent to a linear discriminator. Traces of the resulting weighted sum are shown in the lower right-hand plot both for the trajectory of active states resulting from stimulus sequence A, B, C (black trace) and for stimulus sequence D, B, C (orange trace). For the purpose of classifying these active states, a subsequent threshold was applied. The weights and threshold of the linear discriminator were chosen to discriminate active states resulting from letter sequence A, B, C and those resulting from the letter sequence D, B, C. The blue trace in part c shows the behavior of neuron 10 [from the previous slide].

decoding population activity in the cat brain

(d) The performance of a linear discriminator at various points in time. The red line shows the percentage of the cross-validated trials that the read-out correctly classified as to whether the first stimulus was A or D. The read-out neuron contained information about the first letter of the stimulus sequence even several hundred milliseconds after the first letter had been shown (and even after a second letter had been shown in the meantime). Note that discrimination is actually poor during the A and D presentation because of the low average firing rate (blue dashed lines).

[EXTRA: Are cats spying on us?]

next: brain-scale dynamics and the brain as a complex system

On the right: the subfields of the field of complex dynamical systems.

Why consider the DYNAMICS of the brain (as opposed to just the anatomy, or static snapshots of activity)???

A key concept is metastability.

brain dynamics: transient functional dynamics (Rabinovich et al., 2015)

(A) Time series of anticorrelated switching in different FUNCTIONAL NETWORKS during resting state. Arrows indicate intraparietal sulcus (IPS), posterior cingulate/precuneus (PCC), and medial prefrontal cortex (MPF).

(B) Stimulus-dependent reorganization of the FUNCTIONAL CONNECTIVITY by the frontoparietal brain network (FPN) among visual, auditory, and motor systems across two different tasks. Global variable connectivity is depicted by the shifting connectivity pattern (red lines connecting FPN to other brain networks). The importance of sequential switching between network arrangements is signified by blue lines between the two networks.

brain dynamics: winnerless competition (WLC) dynamics (Rabinovich et al., 2015)

(A,B) the response to an odorant in an insect antennal lobe. It is the intrinsic transient dynamics of the complex antennal lobe system that maps such input to a sequential representation as seen in these single-trial responses of 110 antennal lobe neurons to one odor shown in (A) (gray bar, 1 s). Panel (B) shows the projections of neuron trajectories, representing the succession of states visited by this neural network in response to one odor. Red lines, individual trials; black line, average of ten trials. Abbreviations: B, baseline state; FP, fixed point, reached after 1.5 s.

(C) the taste-specific robust sequential pattern observed in neurons of the gustatory cortex of the rat in response to four taste stimuli. A model of joint temporal activity reveals that the network behavior is best represented by four discrete states in a WLC setting.

brain dynamics: landscape metaphors for transient dynamics with metastable states (Rabinovich et al., 2015)

(A) A saddle with two stable and two unstable separatrices (boundaries separating two modes of behavior). A set of saddles can be sequentially connected by unstable separatrices (B) to form a stable heteroclinic channel (C).
(D) The low-dimensional heteroclinic dynamics of a large neuronal model network – 200 excitatory/inhibitory neuronal clusters.
(E) The transient dynamics of attention; in this case, one cognitive modality out of three requires full attention.
(F) Attention sharing (sequential switching of attention among three different modalities) in the same model with different intrinsic/extrinsic inputs.

Heteroclinic dynamics may serve an appropriate mathematical framework for robust transient processes that can be treated as an itinerary pass through metastable states. A heteroclinic channel is robust provided that the compression of the phase volume in the vicinity of the metastable states is stronger than the stretching, and trajectories that come to this area become prisoners, and thus unable to leave it.

brain dynamics: multimodality interactions (Rabinovich et al., 2015)

(A) An example of three modality binding networks in the context of the discussed model (filled and unfilled circles: inhibitory and excitatory connections).
(B) The corresponding phase portrait of the binding dynamics. The unstable separatrices that connect different metastable states are 2D in this case. Q and \(\Gamma\): the metastable states; S are the corresponding separatrices.
(C) An example of a three-level chunking hierarchical network architecture. It can be, for example, text creation: with the first level representing the organization of sentences; second level, paragraph creation; and upper level, chapter organization. Spheres represent the informational items or units (metastable states). Different colors indicate different chunks. All connections inside the elementary items are inhibitory.
(D) The corresponding phase portrait of the chunking activity in the phase space of auxiliary variables. Blue trajectories represent the dynamics inside the chunk. Green trajectories represent the chunk sequential switching.


So, what is it that neurons do natively?